
Everyone benefits from regular saving, it allows us to work towards our financial goals and gives us peace of mind should an emergency arise

Saving with us really couldn’t be easier.

Committing yourself to a regular saving pattern can be difficult but at Flamesavers it’s easy with payroll deduction. Flamesavers members can save at an affordable level be it £10 or £100.
Small regular amounts soon add up and remember at Flamesavers you are not just another customer, but a co-owning member of an organisation which provides security and protection.
Withdrawing your savings   –  Once you have completed a ‘Bank Transfer of Authority Form’ (found in the online forms section) and this has been received at the office you will be able to request a share withdrawal by email, text or by ringing the office.
To text…  Start your message with FLAMES followed by your membership number, surname and the amount you would like to withdraw. 
Then send this to 66777.
EG – FLAMES 120 J.Hughes £300    Then send this to 66777.  (Don’t forget FLAMES first or it won’t get to us!)  

The table below give examples of how regular savings can soon add up!

Monthly Savings Table

Amount Saved: £10 £15 £30 £40 £50
Year 1 £120 £180 £360 £480 £600
Year 2 £240 £360 £720 £960 £1,200
Year 3 £360 £540 £1,080 £1,440 £1,800
Year 4 £480 £720 £1,440 £1,920 £2,400
Year 5 £600 £900 £1,800 £2,400 £3,000


Benefits of saving with Flamesavers Credit Union include:

  • Save as little or as much as you can afford
  • You will automatically receive free life insurance on any loans applied for
  • Confidentiality is respected at all times
  • No hidden charges or fees on any transactions
  • Credit Unions are mutual organisations which means members’ savings are pooled to provide the resources for lending to other members
  • Shares are eligible for an annual dividend